Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We are officially organized!

Ever since we moved in (1.5 years ago, if you're counting) I have been saying, "One of these days, I am going to go through all of our closets and organize them." We still had boxes just waiting to be unpacked, which were clearly full of things we desperately need since we haven't seen or missed them since... oh, 2008.

Anyway, now that we are DONE remodeling the basement (!!!), I decided that it was time to force myself to go through with my pledge. Best decision of my life. I am so excited about officially being organized that Noah thinks it's funny to whisper words like "alphabetical order" and "label maker" in my ear in a sexy voice.

Bathroom drawer- used to be full of miscellaneous hair ties and floss.

Towel cabinet- sorted by function (we have: nice towels that match our bathroom, top left; nice wash cloths that match nice towels, top center; extra set of bath rugs, bottom left; rags to be used for cleaning, bottom center; and old towels to be used for cleaning dogs and other things, NOT to be confused with nice towels that match our bathroom, bottom right).

My makeup, which used to be in random bags thrown in a closet, and my jewelry, which you could previously pick up in one wad. As for the labeling- I couldn't help myself.

I assure you, this is the cleanest this desk has ever been.

Oh. My. Yes. An entire 3-drawer tupperware for ribbon.

Our wrapping supplies shelf, bags stacked in order by size.

Sometimes, I just stand and gaze into our closets, where you can now see the floor. It's amazing how relaxed I feel to know that our house is free of mysterious boxes with mysterious contents collecting mysterious dust and/or mysterious dead bugs.

Monday, March 22, 2010

My First Cavity :(

I have never claimed to be great about taking care of my teeth. I do brush regularly, but flossing typically happens about 2 times a year, coincidentally on the 2 days a year I go to the dentist. I'm definitely nowhere near Noah's level, which includes brushing for 5 minutes straight and flossing frequently enough to necessitate having a spare floss in the following locations: car, pocket, every drawer in the house.

Anyway, this is how today started at the dentist:
Hygienist: Are you a flosser?
Me: No.
Hygienist: (pause)
Me: Would you rather I lie?

This is how today ended at the dentist: At the age of 24-1/2 years old, I got my first cavity. Actually, cavitIES, if we're being honest. I have THREE cavities between my teeth and I am really upset about it! Apparently being cavity free was something I took a great amount of pride in, although I didn't realize it until it was ripped away from me.

I guess I'll start flossing. Boo.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I never ever thought I would say this... but our basement is done! We basically sit around in the evenings now and stare at each other, completely bored. On the bright side, it is amazing how easy it is to keep a clean house when you aren't remodeling.

Anyway, here are some pictures!